Rivers Teske, Author, International Speaker, Life Coach

Rivers Teske believes that we must all be on a citizen’s mission to be 21st century world changers as leaders, advocates and mentors to those who are abandoned, hungry, in crisis and discarded as “the world’s throwaways.”

Her life affirming “river of resources” and sphere of influence reaches across the spectrum from corporate to the most vulnerable in society where her passion to “make a difference” in the lives of people lies in the spiritual, emotional and physical health of the human family.


As a RIVER OF RESCUE to the causes of Women and Children, through my organization – Hidden Choices, which addresses topics like prolife issues affirming teens & young mothers in unplanned pregnancies, single parenting, education, health care, US Maternity Homes, Pregnancy Centers and more. Through my organization – Stop The War On Children, which addresses the social injustice of issues such as child sex trafficking, the U.S. Foster Care System, Government programs, global orphan pandemic, extreme poverty and issues effecting the indoctrination of children in schools. This is news you can use!


As a RIVER OF RESTORATION through sharing my personal testimony of healing through resources like my book, Rivers Wanted, teaching seminars and coaching individuals and families.


And as a RIVER OF REVELATION by providing information through blogs, media platforms and TV & Radio, and speaking engagements where she loves getting her message out. 

"A River cuts through a rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence."

Hidden Choices Blogs